Beit Avi Chai - Events, Culture & Exhibitions

Beit Avi Chai - Events, Culture & Exhibitions

Discover the beauty of Jewish and Israeli thought and culture and celebrate the ancient heritage of this historic nation with fascinating cultural activities at Beit Avi Chai.

Celebrate Jewish & Israeli Thought

Located in the City Center of Jerusalem, Beit Avi Chai offers a space where people can reflect on the past and the present of Jewish/Israeli ideas and culture. The center includes a reading room, social area, student lounge, seminar rooms, as well as an auditorium and courtyard. Among the varied activities are unique educational workshops, literary evenings, poetry events, programs for children and families, Jewish study activities for youth, musical performances, cinema, art and sound, lectures, and even customized educational programs for soldiers and gap year travelers.

Stay Tuned on Beit Avi Chai’s Website

Beit Avi Chai believes in making information and content accessible to audiences all around the globe. Therefore, Beit Avi Chai's website is constantly updated, so visitors can enjoy new and unique articles and take part in online projects. In addition, the website contains information learn about upcoming events and monthly programs. Visitors can also enjoy live streaming of programs and events on the website as well as other social mediums. Check it out here! View the full event calendar of January-February >>

Box Office

The box office is open from Sunday-Thursday from 1:00 pm to 9:30 pm and Fridays from 9:30 am to 12:00 pm.


Paid parking is available onsite in the parking garage. Parking is free on concert nights for ticket holders.
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  • address icon44 King George St, Jerusalem
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