Church of the Nativity

Church of the Nativity

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based on 11735 traveler reviews

The Church of the Nativity is one of the holiest sites in Christian tradition, which holds that the church was built on top of the cave where Jesus of Nazareth was born. The church was first built under the auspices of the Roman emperor Constantine the Great in 135 AD and has been refurbished and added to numerous times since. Inside the church, you can visit the Milk Grotto, which is said to be the actual cave where Mary gave birth to Jesus.

The church is a popular tourist destination year-round and the site of a particularly festive celebration on Christmas, when masses of people from all over the world gather inside and outside the church for services that are shown on a large screen in Manger Square.

The site is also holy to Muslims, who consider Jesus one of the prophets of Allah, and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

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based on 11735 traveler reviews
  • Taylor Long
    Taylor Long
    July 6, 2023

    A unique experience, a tranquil and good place to visit. We went to the Christmas service at the Catholic Church before seeing the place of Jesus' birth. We waited awhile, only to be rushed out after 2 seconds looking at...

  • Christian Ahangar
    Christian Ahangar
    June 28, 2023

    Interesting experience, but I don’t really recommend going. Yes, they claim that it’s the birthplace of Jesus, but scripture points to the shepherds fields outside of the walls. There was a short wait to go into the basem...

  • Mathew Abraham
    Mathew Abraham
    July 22, 2023

    One of the only old church with history remaining as it is even though there are modifications done Very unique experience. Always better to go with a Tour guide to get detailed explanations about the history Along with...

  • JJ Sullivan
    JJ Sullivan
    May 13, 2023

    Busy and lots of venders surround the church offering all type of goods, Felt a tad aggressive as you walked into the church. The wait to see the birth place of Jesus; 3+ hours. Grounds are well kept, Roses in the garden...

  • Laurentiu Ovidiu Calin
    Laurentiu Ovidiu Calin
    July 22, 2023

    If you go to Israel, it is worth every wait, effort and risk to reach this holy place. We went with a rented car and waited about 10 minutes to enter the Palestinian area. After we passed the control point, we were approa...

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  • address iconP635+P2C, Bethlehem Territory
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