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The Machane Yehuda Market has anything of everything. Even when you think that you have seen everything it has to offer, a place like Knaf has pops up - where you can taste Knafeh with meat and beetroot tahini.

The Knaf is a small place on HaEgoz Street, in the heart of the beloved Machane Yehuda market. In Knaf, you can try the local twist on one of the most beloved desserts in Israel and Jerusalem in particular: a meaty Knafeh made of Kadaif noodles ingrained with slowly cooked meat – the whole preparation and cooking process is done in the open, right in front of the visitors and patrons.

The local variation of Knafeh is available with beef and asado stuffing, as well as in a vegan version. All are served with special home-made sauces and a pickle dish.

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based on 305 traveler reviews
  • Alexey Roshal
    Alexey Roshal
    July 8, 2023

    The place with interesting food options. Knafe with the meat! Unusual, taste is nice. Onion jam and eggplant jam is real fantastic The place is good to visit to try something new.

  • Matan Avital
    Matan Avital
    August 18, 2020

    Crazy!! Delicious and surprising! A little bit expensive but absolutely worth it.

  • Dana Jewel
    Dana Jewel
    August 1, 2019

    In one of the small street restaurants in the market I found this place who serves kosher meet based knafe. I really like knafe and this place was great for it. The food was prepared from scratch and was very fresh and ta...

  • Lev Kantor
    Lev Kantor
    December 27, 2021

    I was very curious to try this as I have never tasted savory knaffe before. I ordered Knaffe asado and was pleasantly surprised! I actually loved the mix of flavors and can definitely recommend everyone to try it. The su...

  • Konstantin G
    Konstantin G
    July 5, 2023

    It was interesting experience to try knafeh with meat. Unusual but tasty.

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